Friday, January 22, 2016

Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?!

Hope Stevens and big sister Hannah built a little snow friend on their front porch!!
Heaven Collett playing in the snow!!
Emma Gilbert 
 Bayden And Layla loved the snow!!

Aaron and Abram Owens, with their dog King, built a snowman!

Abram Micah Owens
 Aaron Jonathan Owens
Emery Kate Davidson got in on the snowman fun too!!! 
Dominic Webb and aunt Morgan Asher had a fun snow day!!
Issac Webb got snow day sugars from aunt Morgan Asher!!

Tucker Roberts didn't let the 2016 Snowstorm get to him - he had fun with his family in the snow!!
 Kylee Roberts and the family dog had a fun snow day as well!!!
Miss Haizlee Maxie had the right idea - she just relaxed all cozy and warm during the snow!!

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